Window Cleaning Canvassing
Too busy to go out canvassing? Don’t like the idea of knocking on stranger’s doors? Perhaps employing the services of a canvassing company could be the solution.
Usually, you pay around twice the monthly value of each customer signed up. If the customer cancels within the first couple of months, then a reputable company offering this service will refund you the money.
The round will likely be fairly scattered as it would be if you did the canvassing yourself to begin with and you will likely still need to develop it further for it to become an established, lucrative round. That said, it’s a good way to get started if you have the funds available.
Be sure to stipulate what you want the canvassers to do.(eg. avoid certain types of houses or types of window). Provide clear guidelines as to your prices and as to what method you will be using.
Follow up the leads quickly and confirm the agreements made with the customers.
Good communication between all parties involved is the key to success when dealing with canvassing companies.