Window Cleaning Resources
All that you need to succeed

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Products created by
Window Cleaning Resources

Round Tracker v4 PRO - Customer Management System
Template Kits
Window Cleaning Business Templates and Stationery Kit
Health and Safety Documents Templates Kit
Window Cleaning Essentials DVD
Choosing and Using a Water Fed Pole System DVD
Advanced Window Cleaning Skills DVD


Trade Suppliers Directory

Window Cleaning Rounds For Sale

Window Cleaner Directory

Tips, Articles, Advice

Equipment For Sale

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Training for Window Cleaners

Asset Skills
Boss Training
British Window Cleaning Academy
Dragon Access
Fall Factor Zero
Impact 43
Industrial Rope Access Training Association
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
International Powered Access Federation
IOSH Cleaning Windows Safely (FWC)
Lyon Work and Rescue
Mark Wright Training
Springs Water Fed Pole Training
Time Consultancy
Total Access


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Access Training can cover various skills, such as use of a harness, rope access skills and cherry picker (MEWP) operation. Don’t forget though, that using a ladder is also a form of access and anyone using a ladder should be fully aware of how to use it safely.

New window cleaners will find that to be a good, efficient window cleaner is harder than it looks. The proficient use of a squeegee or water fed pole, for example requires practice and skill. You will pick it up easier if you are able to work along with another experienced window cleaner to start with. In some forums you may find a kind window cleaner that is willing to take you out with them for the day. This would give you valuable experience watching how they work.

There are practical training courses available for window cleaners, which also cover marketing and important health and safety aspects, such as carrying out a risk assessment and writing a method statement.

There are also DVD Tutorials available that can help you to improve your skills, showing you advanced techniques that help you and your staff to work more efficiently and thus increase your productivity.

Advanced Window Cleaning Skills

Advanced Window Cleaning Skills - Ladderless window cleaning using traditional methods
Window Cleaning Resources

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Window Cleaning Resources was set up and went ‘live’ online in October 2006. Since then the site has rapidly grown in popularity, becoming a central reference point for window cleaners in the UK. The site is regularly visited by tens of thousands of window cleaners each month. Thanks to the support of our site sponsors we intend to continue developing Window Cleaning Resources to act as a catalyst for future growth and development within the window cleaning industry. If you would like to introduce a new product, service or idea to window cleaners, particularly in the UK, then we would glad to be of assistance in providing exposure to your target market.

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